Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Oh my goodness! 
Has it really been a month??

Forgive me, loyal readers. 

What can I say? The Fall TV schedule resumed, and all my writing went straight out the window... I mean, what would you rather do- write about the absence of any romance in your life to an unseen/unheard (most likely non-existent) audience, or watch the Biggest Loser while eating Double Stuffed Golden Oreos? (thank you Angela for calling the hotline and suggesting they make the Double Stuff- true story)
I have had one more date since my last post. 
He owns a lot of guns. 
He left our date, at 10 pm at night, to go meet a guy in a parking lot in downtown Salt Lake City to buy some guns that the other guy had in his trunk. 
He said it was perfectly legal. 
I said it was shady.
He said that when Obama was elected he was sure all his gun rights were going to be taken away immediately (picture me rolling my eyes- A LOT) and so he sold all the guns he had at the time. He made more doing that then he made the entire calendar year at his real job. 
(Does that make anyone else thing that he had a small arsenal at his home?)
I then told him, “I think it only fair to tell you that I did vote for Obama.”
He didn’t know what to do with that information.
Needless to say, he hasn’t called since, and I’m not sad about that fact.
(side-note: realized that besides the post date text from Wheezy Hot Pots I’ve not heard from any of these guys... Which on the one hand I am glad about because I wasn’t too thrilled by any of them. However, there is that little part of me that is deeply offended. Because even if you don’t want them, you totally want them to want you!!)
Because of my long absence, I am going to commit to posting every day this week.
I have some tricks, and some treats, up my sleeve- call it a Halloween special!!
I also have yet another date on Saturday. This one I am kind of looking forward to, which inevitably means it will be a disaster... Time will tell...


Terese said...

Can't wait for those tricks or (trix). Why do you keep getting set up with these guys? They all seem similar to each other. I hope Sunday goes well. Sending good vibes from Boston!

The Larsens said...

ooo. Selling/buying guns huh? Where do you find these guys? lol I'm glad he hasn't called you. I look forward to your Halloween specials.

Kristie said...

Is your date on Saturday by any chance a blind date arranged by someone who thinks very highly of his ability to successfully bring soulmates together?? I have no part in this. Unless of course it's true love...

Heather said...

He is probably as shocked by you voting for Obama as you are shocked by his arsenal. I guess it could be worse. Instead of selling all his guns when Obama was elected, he could have bought more and joined a militia in Idaho. Wait, he's not from Idaho, is he?

So glad you're back to blogging!