Monday, January 31, 2011

What You See/Read Isn't Always What You Get

Online profiles and communication are a forum where what you see isn't always what you get. 

And it's the same with what you read.

So there was a post a while back where I referenced this email I recieved:

"So, obviously you passed the aesthetics test or shallow men (such as myself) would never contact you, but a buddy of mine was looking over my shoulder and claimed that – without a doubt – your profile looked to have been written by a guy; it’s just too perfect, minus the incompletion. He claimed that any account with so little information is a dead giveaway. I came to your defense, of course, but now we’ve got a $20 bet going as to whether or not you’re real. So I wondered, just between us, am I about to lose $20?"

And someone named Brandon(glad you stopped by, Brandon! Thanks for reading!) commented on my post informing me that this is HIS line that he wrote on a site that apparently gives opening lines for online sites! 
(check it out here

So it was a total rip off!!

Brandon- way to be original...or were you? 
(Now I'm suspicious!!)

Guy who wrote me the email that I never heard from again- for shame. 

I'm constantly ammending my list 
of what I'm looking for. 
My rote answer has always been, 
"I'm looking for unabashed adoration."  
Now I'm going to add, "Non-plagiarizer"
to my list...

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