There are times in ones life where one can feel really sorry for oneself.
Like when the most exciting thing you have going on in your week is the new 30 Rock on Thursday night.
(although, in this example, lets not downplay how exciting this really is!!!)
(... and yes, I am obsessed with this show.)
But then you have moments where you realize
that things really aren’t that bad.
My mom left me a long rambling phone message
this weekend.
(now I see where I get that tendency.)
This was the gist of it:
She had wondered where I was in the blogospere, and was glad to see me back.
(translation: You never tell me about these things, and if I ask you all you do is get mad at me, so I’m glad to know what is going on.)... (True story. Sorry, Mama. Love you).
She continued, “We do weird things in our lives,
and I’m so sorry you have to have this weird thing.
Although it’s interesting...
I wish none of us had these weird things."
"Consider this," she said. "While you’re doing that online, I was online trying to find an external male urinary catheter.
There are hundreds of them.
I’ve watched multiple videos of how to put them on, how to make them work, how to make them not leak,”
and on and on and on she went.
About the in home help nurse, and external male urinary catheters.
“So think of this,” she ended.
“Male external urinary catheters versus fielding strange males online.
The commonality is the male that is the strange part.”
And so I choose to change my outlook, in this moment.
Because watching 30 Rock alone is a hell of a lot better than having to learn how to use an external male urinary catheter.
To my Mama: Maybe you should start watching 30 Rock to counterbalance?... : ) xoxo
That was funny. :)
Reminds me of this, maybe it will give your mother some firsthand insight.
I think those moments of perspective are really important--I've had a few myself in the last few months. Things could always be worse and there is so much good if we let ourselves see it. And I'm really, really glad you have 30 Rock. I love it too. I don't think we've both loved the same show this much since the Felicity days. Maybe someday we'll have to have a 30 Rock marathon and order Papa John's. We can invite D & T too.
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