Saturday, July 24, 2010

Decisions, Decisions...

Here are some of the guys that I was matched with recently. (And you wonder why I gag at this process?)


No picture. Works in security.


Beard that would rival zz top, can’t live without his motorcycle


Has a picture wearing a tee w/ Fezzig (From The Princess Bride) on it, and it says “anybody want a peanut” -perhaps going for irony, as he looks like a relative of Andre the Giant.


Of all the choices of things his friends would say about him, he chose phisically fit. Has many shirtless pictures.


Quote from his profile: "if you're looking for someone who has lived morally upright and on the straight-and-narrow his entire life, keep looking."


39, has 3 daughters, one is graduated from high school.


His picture shows him trying on his new gun belt.


jocie said...

so it begins...
so many options, but my money is on william because who doesn't like motorcycles and zz top? he could be a sweet spirit, you never know. :)

Heather said...

Raymond looks like your best bet. Maybe the key to all this is to put very little information about yourself...

Terese said...

Why would they put you with these guys? Josh wants to know which online service you are using.(so he doesn't bump into you there--har de har har)

John Perkins said...

stick to worked for me :)

Holly Park said...

Wow! So many solid choices...where to start. It's almost like 31 flavors. I love that I stalked you to find your blog. Sorry. I miss you!