Saturday, December 17, 2011

Family Christmas Card

My last few posts have been a little deep.

Let's lighten it up, shall we? 

If I was like most people, I would be getting ready to send out a Christmas Card.

Me and Manny just took this photo 
to send together- 

Our First Official Family Christmas photo. 
(say that 5 times fast. really. try it.)

You can't tell that Manny is a little camera shy, but let's just say, blood was drawn. Holding the title for the Craziest Cat in America means that being held is strictly taboo. Look at those dilated pupils. Also, not the best angle. Oh well. When you are taking a self portrait on your laptop camera, this is the best you can get. 

Also, a sidenote for my readers. The woman that gave the lipgloss advice also said in an interview that she really thinks the celebrity couple that is going to make it is Ashton and Demi... 

Back to the drawing board. 

1 comment:

Heather said...

I love you, but (Wo)Mandrake is my nemesis. :)