Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I've been told you need to kiss a lot of frogs to find the prince. 
(that's a frog ornament, BTW)
But what happens when you can't even find one to kiss?
How do you make it through many to find the many? 
(If that makes any sense...)

Forgive my lack of recent posts. There are several factors.
#1. As 99.9% of my readers were/are coworkers, you know I've been living at the Mall. Ahh, retail during the holidays. How I love you, crustomers...
#2. There is a dirth of activity on my online dating accounts. 
Here I am. 
Wondering how I find a lot of frogs. 
Any suggestions?

1 comment:

Terese said...

All I know is I want to do my hair like that today! The frogs are out there, after talking to Josh now I know there are lots and lots of frogs. The prince is like a needle in a haystack!