Saturday, November 13, 2010


This is an exhausting thing, online dating.

I had another lunch date today. I don't even know what to say about this one...

I was there for 2 full hours, and this is what I said:


He, on the other hand, did not stop talking the entire time.

There was a lot of ridiculousness said in that 2 hour time, but there are two distinct comments that emerged as the true winners to show you all, my readers, what I must endure on these dates.  I literally thought, when he said these things, "I can't wait to blog about this."

Ready? They are doozies...

1.  "If we had sex you would get pregnant because I am really potent."

2.  "President Barack Obama is just an angry black man that feels his people have been wronged for 200 years, so he thinks that while he is there in the presidency he can just take what he deserves."

Those comments really were making me lean towards a resounding NO if I was asked to go out with him again.  But what really cinched the deal was when he told me that Matchbox 20 was the greatest band that ever was. 


Ryan said...

Man, what a crazy! Matchbox 20 is like the 4th greatest band ever. Maybe 3rd. Definitely not higher than 3rd. Where do you find these guys?

Jeffersondoris said...

I can't believe he didn't even take your own personal fertility into consideration when gaging how quickly he could get you pregnate. Not cool. Not cool at all...

Terese said...

Gross! How does he know how "potent" he is?? There must be some normal guys out there somewhere?

Karen M. Peterson said...

I miss Matchbox 20.

But, yeah...greatest? Um...

Hope you don't mind, but I'm sharing this post on my list of favorites for the week.

denise plant said...

I just taught my preschoolers that talking too much is rude! This guy must have missed this lesson! What a freak to make those comments! Gross dude!